Lost Property
In order reduce the amount of property your child misplaces in school, we kindly ask parents to ensure all items including bags and shoes, are marked with the student’s full name, not just their initials.
If pupils do lose an item, please remind them to check in the lost property box in the reception entrance area.
Check this box regularly over the coming days, because sometimes it can take a day or so for items appear there.
Small, valuable items like purses, keys, watches, glasses etc. are held in Reception, not put into the lost property box, so check at Reception if the lost item was valuable.
Unfortunately not every item is collected, and we are unable to store items for longer than a term.
This page of the website has been designed to support the reuniting of pupils with lost items and will be updated regularly (please scroll to the bottom of the page to view these items).
If you believe any item to be your child’s, please ask your child to collect the item as soon as possible.
Thank you for your assistance.