Lea Primary Logo

Lea Primary School

Learning, Enjoying, Achieving

Attendance and Absence Procedures

We pride ourselves on the good attendance of our children and at all times encourage children and parents to be punctual.  Good attendance and punctuality are vital to prepare children for the future and ensure they make good progress.


If your child is going to be late, please inform the school office on the first day of absence before 9.30am.  This can be done by telephoning the school or sending an e-mail.  If we don't hear from you before 9.30am then the school office staff will be in touch with you to confirm the absence.


We discourage parents from taking children out of school in term-time.  Under government guidance, schools are unable to authorise any absences that are not for exceptional purposes.  Absences that are unauthorised may result in a penalty notice being issued by Derbyshire County Council.


All request for leave of absence are taken on an individual basis and follow Local Authority recommendations.  Leave of Absence Request forms are available from the school office or you can download a copy from our 'Information and Useful Forms' section of the website.


Please see our Attendance Policy for further details - available from the 'Policies' section of the website.
