Framework Federation Logo

Framework Federation

Lea Primary School, Wessington Primary School and Holloway Playgroup

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Framework Federation are inclusive schools. We are passionate about ensuring that all pupils, whatever their needs, are given the chance to fulfil their potential.  Staff, pupils and Governors work together to ensure that all pupils feel happy and safe at school, and develop a life-long love of learning. We have high expectations, in standards of work and behaviour, of ourselves as well as the pupils.


You can find out more about support for pupils in our Accessibility Plan alongside other SEND policies which can be found within the policies section on the website.


Our SENCO member of the Senior Leadership Team is Mrs Rachel Wylde

Our Governors responsible for SEND Provision are Katie Turner and Susan Ingram.


These can be contacted at the school via the school office on 01629 534286 or 01773 832748

Derbyshire Local Offer

Teaching our Children with SEND


