Working together with Parents
Keeping you informed:
So many interesting things happen in school, we want you to know as much as possible!
- Every teacher sends out a newsletter for their class at the beginning of each term which tells you what your child will be learning in key curriculum areas. They also include other important activities, news and guidance on homework.
- There is also a regular whole school newsletter to let you know key dates, initiatives and other news. Newsletters are generally posted on our school 'app'
- At the beginning of the academic year we send out an Annual Planner with as many key dates as possible to help you plan ahead. These include end of year term services, parents evenings, sports days etc.
- We use our school 'app' ParentHub to send reminders and important messages to parents/carers.
Reports and Parents' Evenings:
We send a written report to all parents/carers in the summer term. We also have a Parent Consultation evening in the spring term (around February) where you will be invited to have a discussion with your child's class teacher about your child's progress and any targets they may have. In addition in the autumn term we have an annual Open Morning where we welcome parents into school to see us at work and play!
Special Events:
There are many opportunities to visit our school. Over the year there are events and activities that you are welcome to attend. There are our end of term services, class performances, special assemblies, music performances and a whole school walk at the end of the final term.
Getting you Involved:
Lots of things play a part in a successful education, but we see the partnership between school and parents/carers of paramount importance. Parent helpers are always welcome in school either on a regular or occasional basis. There are many ways to help - hearing children read, offering a particular skill (we have many talented parents), helping out with a practical activity or helping on a educational day visits.
If you'd like to help, please speak to your child's class teacher.