We believe ICT and computing is a core basic skill, and its effective teaching will enable our pupils to partcipate and contribute positively in our rapidly changing world.
- Ensure children are confident and independent users of ICT and use it with purpose and enjoyment.
- Motivate and inspire learners through the cross-curricular use of ICT and in doing so raise standards.
- Ensure children appreciate the applications and power of OCT whilst having a detailed understanding of E-Safety.
- Meet all National Curriculum requirements.
Computing is led by Mr Rowlatt, who teaches the subject to all children in KS2 at both schools. The computing scheme of work reflects the key elements of the National Curriculum.
Computing – We use software and apps to program algorithms and ‘make things happen’.
Computer science – We explain how computers and the world wide web work.
ICT – We use computers as a tool to present work using IT and multimedia
E safety – We ensure that young people know how to act responsibly when using technology, that they are aware of the dangers of the virtual world and that they know how to stay safe and who to turn to for help.
Software programs such as Scratch and Kodu are used to teach the programming elements of the scheme of work and recently one of the feeder secondary schools donated enough BBC microbits for all upper key stage 2 pupils and this has significantly enhanced the control element of the scheme. Pupils learn how to use algorithms, sensing and variables to create sequences of code which enable an outcome such as an animation or a game.
Using technology as a way of recording and enhancing learning is a focus of the IT element of the scheme. The federation has a good number of pupil laptops (at least 1:2 per class) and iPads (at least 1:2 per class) and this means there is excellent access to animation, photographic and film making apps and software. A good deal of work has been done using green screen technology. Pupils are taught to be confident users of technology and to use it to improve their school work and evidence learning.
Pupils are taught to understand how the technology operates. This does not only apply to devices but to the technology beyond the classroom. They have an understanding of the World Wide Web and how it links computers all over the planet. They are taught to search safely for information using safe search engines behind the school filtering systems.
The Federation recognises that an online presence is a part of every child’s life from very early in their school career. They access the world wide web form a very early age and many play collaborative games online at home even before KS1. Furthermore, video conferencing has been central to home learning throughout lockdown. By the start of KS2 many pupils use gaming platforms and social media apps such as Whatsapp to communicate with their friends, even more so during lockdown. Therefore, central to all computing lessons is an emphasis on e-safety. Pupils are taught how to act safely and responsibly online. Pupils and parents sign the School Acceptable Use policy which means that they use equipment and the internet responsibly at all times.
E-Safety is discussed with pupils at all opportunities from the time they start at the Framework Federation. Early years are taught using appropriate resources such as storybooks like ‘Click Click Chick’. There are lessons dedicated to E-Safety built into the scheme of work and they happen at least every half term but issues are discussed regularly as and when they arise. Specific issues which relate to safeguarding are reported to the computing lead and to the DSL by staff when they arise.
Every year the school participates in the national Safer Internet Day which takes place every February. This is a whole day of activities to promote safe and responsible actions online. Pupils are taught how to behave safely online by:
- Not giving away personal details.
- Using safe and secure passwords.
- Recognising inappropriate behaviour online and knowing who to report it to.
- Behaving respectfully online.
- Recognising the dangers of communicating by social media.
- Recognising the legal implications of using social media before the age of 13.
- Recognising the dangers of unsolicited information on the internet.
- Recognising the dangers of posting images and information online, not just of themselves but of others who may not have given permission.
Pupils are encouraged to contact appropriate adults if they have any issues online such as unwanted or inappropriate contact, or if they feel they have been treated badly by behaviour of others online.
The Federation recognises that while pupils are at school their use of computers is supervised and safe as they are behind the school filtering systems. However, this is not always the case at home and we recognise the importance of sharing E-Safety practices with parents so that they can spot issues such as inappropriate behaviour, inappropriate gaming or viewing and/or radicalisation through misinformation on inappropriate websites. The federation works with parents to encourage them to install appropriate filtering software at home and parental controls on devices. Parents are encouraged to contact the school if they have any concerns about pupil behaviour online. A number of evenings for parents have been held across the federation and the federation website contains information for parents on E-Safety issues.
Parents and staff are aware of the need to follow GDPR regulations and any breaches are recorded. Advise is sought from DCC when such incidents occur.