Wessington Primary Logo

Wessington Primary School

Small school. Big Personality

Sport & Physical Education (PE)

At Framework Federation, our vision is to develop active, healthy learners. We strive for our children to be the best they can be physically, emotionally and socially. We enable, extend, enrich and enjoy sport. We have a culture of physical activity across the federation, promoting active learning throughout the curriculum.

Our children experience a broad range of sporting activities during PE lessons and in extra-curricular clubs. We also employ many experts who come to school to assist us with PE lessons, including a county hockey coach and the Derbyshire Cricket Board. We have sports leaders throughout the schools who lead lunchtime clubs and take an active role in developing our school sport provision. Children at our schools achieve over and above the daily recommended 60 minutes of physical activity.

Lea and Wessington Primary Schools work in partnership with Highfields School, Matlock, and compete alongside and against other primary schools in the Matlock Cluster, often with much success.  We are also affiliated with the Rural Derbyshire SSP, where we attend participation festivals as well as competitive events, accessing the pathway to elite sport.

We hold regular inter-house competitions and use Lea Green Learning & Development Centre for termly outdoor pursuits. All year groups from Year 2 to Year 6 are given the opportunity to experience a residential visit, encouraging outdoor education even further. Our residential visits include Lea Green and Whitehall Education Centre.


Throughout their time at Lea and Wessington Primary School, children will develop fundamental movement skills, such as agility, balance and co-ordination, through a series of stimulating and sequential lessons. Our PE curriculum is inclusive, ensuring pupils of all abilities access physical activity and sustain healthy, active lives.



Wessington Primary School has been awarded the Primary School Games Gold Award. 


To find out more about the Primary Schools Games Award, click on the link below:

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium



Wider Curriculum Opportunities:

Please see the document below which lists the wider-curriculum activities that have taken place this year.
