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Wessington Primary School

Small school. Big Personality


DT - Making Jam

Class 4 made Jam in DT. We picked blackberries and crab apples around the village and visited the goats on our way!  The jam is delicious! 

Oh Joy!

Class 4 are practising for their end of term performance at Church, where they will play 'Joy to the World' on glockenspiels. 

Run Rabbit Run!

In DT and History Class 4 we're learning about rationing in WW2. We decided to make rabbit stew, just as many people would have during the war. Most children sampled it, and all who did said it was delicious!! 


Word War II - DT

In DT, Year 5/6 decided to make jam out of  hedgerow fruit, just as would have been done during the war. We made a large amount of Crab Apple  and Damson jam. All of the fruit was picked in Wessington  by the class.  It was delicious! 


World War II pictures

In Class 4, we have been learning about The Blitz. We studied the photo by Herbert Mason 'St Paul's Survives' , taken during the night of the air raid on 29th-30th December 1940. In our Art lesson we recreated the photo using chalk and stencils.

Christmas Cakes in Tins

Class 4 made Christmas cakes using tuna tins to bake them in. 

Year 6 multi media self-portraits in the style of Gustav Klimt

Model cars

We designed, built and tested cars.

DT - Year 5 and 6 have made 3D models of the features of a river in their DT lessons.
