Wessington Primary Logo

Wessington Primary School

Small school. Big Personality

Friends of Wessington (FOW)

Friends of Wessington Primary School (FOW) are a charity fundraising committee run by parents/carers.  The main aim of the PTA is to raise funds to supplement the school’s budget and provide much needed resources and activities.  Every parent or carer of a child in school are invited to get involved with FOW.  They meet regularly to plan and organise activities and events (for children and parents).  Even if you cannot help on a regular basis, they are always looking for volunteers to help our on special occasions.


Over the last few years FOW have raised money to purchase:

- Laptops

- Funded transport for educational visits

- Classroom resources, and much, much more!



Join us!

We always welcome new members to the committee, even if you can only spare a small amount of time.  The more helpers we have, the more money we can raise.



Exciting News!

Christmas with FoW

FoW - Tesco Stronger Starts - Grant Update

Can you help FoW?

Tesco Stronger Starts - Results

FoWs Fabulous Fundraising

Summer Fun Day Thank You's

Challenge 2024 Results
