Framework Federation Logo

Framework Federation

Lea Primary School, Wessington Primary School and Holloway Playgroup

School Improvement, Vision and Values

Our Vision:


Learn, Enjoy, Achieve. Together We Succeed


We want you to embrace the love of learning and enjoy coming to school.

We want you to flourish in a happy, caring and positive learning environment and demonstrate care and consideration to everyone on our community at all times

We want you to embrace challenge, build your resilience and determination to achieve your best in all areas.

We want you to be creative and curious encourage independent thinking, confidence, use your own initiative and make the correct choices, to be successful in life. We want you to take responsibility for your own choices and achieve your personal goals

We want you to actively look after your mental & physical health and well being

We want you to embrace and become an active part of our school and local community and being a British Citizen in modern Britain demonstrating tolerance, cooperation, acceptance and respect for all.

We want you to be proud and celebrate being a pupil at our schools


Our Aims:

Learning, Enjoying, Achieving

We aim to enable all children:

  • to understand that they are successful learners
  • to understand the skills and attributes needed to be a successful learner
  • to develop their own personal interests and develop a passion for learning
  • to promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that all children enjoy coming to school and acquire the skills needed for lifelong learning
  • to teach children English, Maths, Science and Computing
  • to be creative through dance, music, forest schools, design technology, art and drama
  • to adopt healthy lifestyles and enjoy sport and exercise
  • to know about the developing world, including how the environment and society have changed over time
  • to question and take risks.

Our School Priorities this year (2024/25)
