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Wessington Primary School

Small school. Big Personality


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At Framework Federation, we view History not only as simple facts and dates but encourage pupils to become detectives who explore the past in an exciting way. History is taught mainly through a topic based approach and gives pupils a chance to explore a wide range of sources from which the past may come alive.


History allows our children to compare and contrast, to examine how and why things have changed, to learn about historical characters and expand their research skills. We teach children to be open minded and enquiring thinkers who understand cause and effect. We want them to understand how people have lived in the past and compare this to modern life. We encourage first hand experiences through handling real artefacts and wherever possible arranging field work visits to relevant sites of historical interest in the region or bringing in specialists for in-school workshops.


Throughout the curriculum there are common strands which are developed across the year groups so children develop a deepening understanding of issues as they develop.

At the Framework Federation, the following themes are introduced and developed across the history curriculum:

  • Significant People – Important people from each era of a topic focus and their contribution to the era and their lasting impact.
  • Roles of women – How the roles of women in society have developed from home makers to influencers and decision takers.
  • Daily Life of Children – How the responsibilities and roles of children have changed over different eras and how gender equality has slowly developed across time. 
  • Rich and Poor – How the lives of rich and poor differed across the eras and how much or how little the gap has changed to the present day.
  • Empires – democracy, ruling – How democracy has developed over the eras. From small groups and tribes controlled by a chief, to empires and civilisations governed by hereditary rulers. We study the introduction of collective decision making through limited voting to the limits on the power of the monarchy and the introduction of full democracy regardless of status or gender. 
  • Inventions from the Past – The significant inventions of different eras which impacted on different civilisation and had a lasting impact to the present day. This includes advances in farming and building techniques, the impact of the ability to shape metal or the impact of printing and steam. 
  • United Kingdom, the government and the role of monarchs – We look at the way the powers of British rulers have changed from being absolute rulers to figure heads with fewer powers. 
  • Changes in Local Area – What our local area was like during different eras and the impact and lasting legacy of different eras on our local area today.

We are fortunate to live in an area rich in fascinating history. Our locality has links with:

  • Florence Nightingale
  • Alison Uttley
  • John Smedley
  • Richard Arkwright

Just a few miles away is the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Cromford Mills together with  Cromford canal which was completed in 1794. These local historical sources offer possibilities to engage with history on our doorstep.

Local visits have included:

  • John Smedley Mill
  • The childhood home of Florence Nightingale
  •  Lea Green and Lea Gardens built by John Smedley (1803-1874)
  •  Crich Tramway museum (transport in the past) 
  • Matlock Bath (life in the Victorian era)

Visits further afield have included:

  • Sudbury Hall Museum of Childhood
  • Kelham Island Industrial museum
  • Cresswell Crags (Ice age cave, rock art and tools)
  • Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet (life at home and work in the 18th century)

Pupils have also experienced Victorian life in the classroom by dressing up and experiencing lessons and playground games of the era.

We have also invited outside organisations in to present workshops on what life was like in the past.

End of Year Expectations:

Knowledge & Vocabulary Organisers