The Arts
Exciting News
In 2002 East Midlands Today ran a competition for schools to write a song to mark the Golden Jubilee. Mr Rowlatt wrote a song; Fifty Years of Change, Lea Primary entered the competition and were voted the winners by viewers. Anne Davis visited the school to present us with a plaque.
In 2014 the song was updated for the Diamond Jubilee and the children were lucky enough to perform it for The Queen and Prince Philip when they visited John Smedley's in Lea Bridge. The song has been updated again for the Platinum Jubilee and our new generation of singers from Lea Primary School and Wessington Primary School are starting to learn it as part of their celebrations.
East Midlands Today are coming to film the children in KS2 (Y3-6 from both schools) singing our new Platinum Version on Wednesday 25th May. Lots of excited practice ahead!
Mr Rowlatt leads the Arts provision across both schools and teaches music to all children from Year 1 to Year 6. Arts are promoted across the curriculum with film, song and dance used to give pupils a deeper understanding of issues in science and history. All children perform on stage once per year to parents and the community to increase their confidence and give another opportunity 'to shine'.
Key Stage 2 pupils are given the opportunity to experience the Young Voices concert held at Sheffield Arena in January each year. This amazing event demonstrates to pupils that involvement in the arts can lead to a huge range of careers.
All Key Stage 2 children learn to play a musical instrument through the Derbyshire Wider Opportunities
'Learn a Musical Instrument' project, this culminates in a concert with The Halle Orchestra at Derby Arena in June.
Both Wessington and Lea Primary School have outings to theatres to watch professional performers and experts in music, dance and visual arts visit the school to discuss their jobs and work with classes.
We have worked with renowned folk musician John Tams (musical consultant for the stage and film production of 'The War Horse') to create a unique presentation of 'The War Game' by Michael Foreman. This included readings, songs and instrumental performances of music from the era which really enhanced the pupils' understanding of the period.
We share and diseminate our experience and skills with others. We were the Co-ordinator school for the Derbyshire Creative Hub network run in partnership with the Mighty Creatives.
Mr Rowlatt also provides sessions to train PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) students on the issues facing non-specialists delivering quality music lessons to primary age children.
Some children volunteer to sign solos is music performances when termly church services are held or to demonstrate a musical point during a music lesson. Church services are held termly to enable children to demonstrate artistic talents.
We provide a range of peripatetic teachers; woodwind, brass, keyboard, violin and guitar tuition tuition is provided by excellent providers (our guitar tutor is a signed artist!) and their waiting lists for lessons are full.
Both schools also run a very popular after-school drama club,
Pupils appreciate that practise and rehearsal are central to development of the arts. They now apply this to other areas of study and they take great pride in their work.